
VACAYA er det MEST inkluderende LGBT+ Vacation Company på planeten!

VACAYA isn’t just your average vacation company. We’re the ultimate champion of inclusivity, setting the bar high for making everyone feel valued and embraced. VACAYA has set an all-new standard for diversity, welcoming all sexual orientations and gender identities.

Unlike other companies, VACAYA’s commitment to inclusivity isn’t just a checkbox – it’s ingrained in every aspect of our operation. It all starts with the companies we choose to collaborate with and the team members we hire. Their hearts and minds are aligned with VACAYA’s mission, and they reflect the diversity of our community in just about every way.

But our dedication extends well beyond mere representation; it’s about creating genuine connections, fostering understanding, and celebrating the beautiful tapestry of humanity. We accomplish that by developing programming that caters to a full spectrum of orientations and identities. VACAYA ensures that every traveler, regardless of who they love or how they identify, finds a space where they can be their authentic selves. Once those initial bonds are formed, VACAYA brings like-minded groups together in wider celebrations during the vacation.

When we refer to “like-minded people,” we’re not suggesting everyone on our vacations has to subscribe to ONE set of beliefs. But if you believe love is love and you leave space for differing viewpoints, then VACAYA is for you!

In a world where inclusivity is paramount, VACAYA shines as a beacon of acceptance, making your vacation a transformative experience where everyone belongs. So, whether you’re hitting the beach with your partner, your crew, or flying solo, VACAYA’s got your back. With VACAYA, you’re not just booking a vacation, you’re joining a family that’s all about spreading love and good cheer everywhere we go!

But don’t take our word for it…

Se, hvad folk siger om VACAYA


MØD CHRISTOPH – Identificerer sig som Han/Ham
“Det handler ikke kun om inkluderende mad og drikke, det handler om inkluderende fællesskab”



MØD JUDE – Identificerer som de/dem
“Som transmand hos VACAYA har jeg oplevet et revolutionerende skridt med hensyn til inklusion… Jeg har fået venner.”



MØD ALLYSE – Identificerer sig som hun/hende
“VACAYA opfylder de sande behov hos alle i LGBTQ-samfundet…hvor vi kan slappe af og lade op og have dybe og meningsfulde samtaler.”

Se, hvad medierne siger om VACAYA


IVAN QUINTANILLA – EDGE Media – Identificerer sig som han/ham
“Kan du male med alle vindens farver? Nå, det viser sig, at VACAYA kan! …Selv med den omfattende programmering, som VACAYA skaber for alle farverne i vores LGBTQIAPK-spektrum, er det VACAYA-fællesskabets venlighed, der viser sig at være deres største aktiv.”


Whether you’re seeking a sun-filled beach escape, a romantic getaway, or a fun-filled bucket list expedition, VACAYA is your go-to travel savvy companion. Join us in creating memories that transcend borders, redefine vacations, and foster connections that last a lifetime. Your dream vacation awaits—come, let’s make it extraordinary together!



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