Event Activation Collaboration Agreement

Program Description

VACAYA is reimagining LGBT+ vacations and is proud to collaborate with the travel community to engage our mutual guests at events with an exciting activation. The activation will enable the event attendees to exchange their email address for an entry into a drawing for a chance to win a FREE LGBT+ vacation. VACAYA and the travel agent/agency managing the event activation will share 100% of the email addresses collected via the vacation drawing entry forms.

VACAYA Responsibilities

  • Initiate, fund and execute the VACAYA Vacation Drawing
  • Initiate, fund and deliver designated event activation materials (including round-trip shipping)
  • Data entry of completed vacation drawing forms (sharing the email data file with travel agent)

Travel Agent Responsibilities

  • Initiate, fund, organize and staff a booth at the designated event
  • Execute the activation with the designated materials
  • Commit to collecting a minimum of 500 completed vacation drawing entry forms
  • Coordinate return of designated activation materials (via pre-paid shipping label from VACAYA)
  • Return 100% of completed vacation drawing entry forms to VACAYA within 7 days of the event
  • Deliver at least 3 digital photos of event activation to VACAYA

Event Activation Materials

  • Two Roll Up Banner(s) – Free Standing (6’ tall by 36’’ wide)
  • One small table top banner
  • One-Page Flyer or Postcard
  • Vacation Drawing Entry Forms
  • Vacation Drawing Entry Form Collection Box
  • Pens
  • Zip Ties (if event is outside)

Shipping Information

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


This document outlines the program details and agreement between VACAYA, LLC and the event leader.


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